possess|possessed|possesses|possessing in English


[pos·sess || pə'zes]

control, dominate; hold; have as a quality; own, have as property

Use "possess|possessed|possesses|possessing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "possess|possessed|possesses|possessing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "possess|possessed|possesses|possessing", or refer to the context using the word "possess|possessed|possesses|possessing" in the English Dictionary.

1. It's a banality, but you don't possess art, it possesses you.

2. Curses are most stable while possessing an item, and some Curses can possess inanimate objects to become cursed corpses.

3. " Possessed "?

4. Carbon possesses several Allotropies

5. Possessing highest IV level of accreditation.

6. Shepperson seems possessed, brilliant, eloquent.

7. She is possessed with rage.

8. He possessed no academic qualifications.

9. She possesses great savoir-faire.

10. A terrible fear possessed her.

11. He possesses sublime self-confidence.

12. She was possessed by jealousy.

13. Authoritativeness meaning The quality of possessing authority.

14. He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.

15. She was charged with possessing drug paraphernalia.

16. The reagent possesses specificity for water.

17. She has been indicted for possessing cocaine.

18. Dominiques possess a rose comb while Barred Rocks possess a single comb.

19. I've never possessed any business acumen.

20. Afreet are malevolent, powerful beings possessing great wisdom

21. Apollonian Possessing the traits or attributes of Apollo

22. 17 She was possessed by jealousy.

23. Ere my long love be possessed.

24. Asks you to be self-possessed!

25. Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.